I Used To

(For Mom with Love)

by Jacqueline P. Walker

 I used to take for granted,
 the way you toiled from dusk till dawn.
 But, now I am grateful for all that your
  efforts provided to me.

 I used to take for granted,
 the words of wisdom you often spoke.
 But, now I remember and recite them
  to get through every adversity.

 I used to take for granted,
 the way you gave without expecting
   anything in return.
 But, now I see that in giving, you reaped
   blessings of unlimited means.

 I used to take for granted,
 the way you sensed my fears and needs.
 But, now I get comfort knowing just
   how much you care for me.

 I used to take for granted,
 that you would always be here with me.
 But, now I cherish every moment that
   we can share while we both still breathe.

 I used to take for granted,
 that you knew my love for you.
 But, now I know I must show you,
   just how I really feel.

 I used to take for granted,
 the love you gave to me.
 But, now I know that I've been,
  blessed to know your kind and gentle heart.

I Used To by Jacqueline P. Walker

© Copyright 1995. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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