
Natasia Charles writes under the pen name Trinity. She resides in Brooklyn, NY. She is soon to be seventeen and she says she likes to write about "encouraging her people to love one another and themselves rather than killing them off and calling each other 'niggas.'" She says "I want to encourage my fellow sistahs to be more of the queens I know they are inside; they need to stop letting these people walk all over them. I encourage my fellow brothas to be more of the kings they have yet to acknowledge within themselves; to respect the women in their life and to do for themselves so that they may better themselves and their lives. I show love to all my people and say keep your head up when it's down." She resides in Brooklyn, NY.

You can contact Ms. Charles via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Trinity


Black Is Beautiful
The Last Nigger

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