
by Trineka D. Greer

I don't know my mother, do you know yours?
You see, I was stolen from mine even before I was born.
I walk around in confusion because I do not know my name.
I don't know where I am going because I don't know from whence I came.

Genetically I inherit the memories of my kin.
Collective unconscious shining through from within.
The people who rule say that I must forget about my past,
But every time that I try I get whip lash.

I'm tired of trying and struggling so hard,
I can't get weak now because it is my turn to stand guard.
Soon it will be over and I will get what I been working for,
My oppressor will succumb to me in an apocalyptic race war.

My life I sacrificed and I was accepted by Allah,
And he told that my mother's name was Africa!

Mother by Trineka D. Greer

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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