I Am A Slavery Heritage Survivor

by Thomas J. Walker, Jr.

This article is a self-reflection and an in-depth look into who I am as a man, not just any man, but a man in black skin. A man in black skin tends to evoke and provoke a multitude of emotions and behaviors ranging from hatred to genocide. It discloses truth about my life and I am prayerfully hopeful that as a reader you will experience the revelation about who you are and how you are with regards to the color of the skin that you wear and how you are affected by as well as how you react to individuals who wear black skin.

To read the entire essay in PDF format, click on this link.

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I Am A Slavery Heritage Survivor by Thomas J. Walker, Jr.

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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