These Years

by Tanisha M. John

All of these years,
I've spent suffering

Lost, and trying to find
My soul.

Missing, and wandering
In the jungle

Wondering if I'd ever find
My way home.

All of these lies,
You've told me, trying
To take my identity;

I'm worthless?,
Then why are you afraid of me,

Afraid for me to rule,
For an eternity.

All of this time;
Segregation, degradation,

My people,
A divided nation.

We're growing and coming

There's nothing you can do.
With each generation,
We're starting anew.

You'll find strength and
Combined with the older
Generation's mental acuity.

We've taken flight,
And left our shackles and


These Years by Tanisha M. John

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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