
by Tanisha M. John

I waited for you in the dark
As tears flowed from my eyes
I tossed and turned in the night,
I could feel you on every side - but I was alone

I waited for you in the light
As the sun shined down on me
I looked to the left and the right,
But your face I could not see - I was alone

I waited for you in the rain
As confusion clouded my thoughts
I walked from corner to corner,
It was my lover that I sought - but I was alone

I waited for you at the table
Where we used to sit
I waited for you in the park
Where we used to kiss
I waited for you like I promised
But you never showed

I told you this would happen,
I told you not to go
And now you're out there lost
And me, I'm all alone

Alone by Tanisha M. John

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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