Time Well Spent

by Tameko L. Barnette

I am sitting next to the window,
watching kids play, planes flying
overhead, wind blowing trees,
and time passing by.

I am cooking in the kitchen,
singing golden oldies, dancing to
the melodies, tapping to the beat,
and listening to the time passing by.

I am reading the daily newspaper,
crying for the children, laughing at
our politics, mourning souls lost,
and realizing that time is passing by.

I am watching television,
surfing channels, admiring the
movies stars, jamming to Rap City,
and seeing that time is passing by.

I am saying my evening prayers,
getting ready for bed, feeling
good about having another day,
and wondering how TIME is PASSING
ALL of US by.

Time Well Spent by Tameko L. Barnette

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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