Loud Whispers & Quiet Screams

by Tameko L. Barnette

I call out to you/can you hear me/can you feel the vibrations from my voice / as they rattle the foundation of my existence without you/can you sense the pain/ can you rub some of your healing balm on my heart/the smooth, refreshing feeling of love/ can you rub that on my heart/just a little bit/just enough to let me know that I am needed/ just enough to let me know that I am wanted/just enough to let me know that I am loved

I don't think you heard me though/so maybe I need to scream it out/ because the sweet, gentle whispers/I've been trying to caress your ears with/ are not being heard/do I need to scream/ do I need to make a damn fool out of myself/ do I need to express myself/ in total selflessness/tell me what to do/yes, I'm talking to you/ God, I know you hear me/are you there/are you here/will you forgive me what did you say, God/what's that/you do forgive me/thank you

Loud Whispers & Quiet Screams by Tameko L. Barnette

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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