Inches Away

by Tameko L. Barnette

I'm only
inches away
from the
best in me.

But, give me a second
'cause I want to play
around for awhile.
Forget about responsibility
and discipline and
respect and dignity.

I want to give away
my body too soon.  I
want to get high; so
high that I can't
remember my name.  I
want to bottle up all
my frustrations and
take them out on
loved ones and friends
who are only trying to
help me.  I want to
play games with people's
minds and hearts.  I
want to get my heart
broken, over and
over and over and
over again, until
my heart is so numb,
so torn, so cold I
can't even smile
at someone walking
down the street.

But, wait a minute,
I just remembered
I'm only inches away
from the best in me.

I'd better step up
and claim what's

Inches Away by Tameko L. Barnette

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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