For My Friend (In My Best Handwriting)

by Simone Boone

So, what if we don't dress the same
(You, carefully clad in oversized cashmere--
Me, mindfully exposed in a postage stamp skirt).

And if your skin is pale as the downy flake
But mine is rawhide leather,
What, really, is the difference?

We'd both still stop on a dime
For Hershey's chocolate or Joseph Fiennes
and laugh,
Through glasses of room temperature wine,
At an "Ole" lady's lawn
strewn with plastic sunflowers,

Reveling in the irony of friendship.

For My Friend (In My Best Handwriting) by Simone Boone

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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