Shareta A. Berry

Shareta A. Berry is 41 years old and has a testimony to share. She says she has endured being "molested, raped, talked about, called crazy, told that I would never learn like the other kids or children in my class." She has experienced low self-esteem, depression, and being unwanted at times as a teen. She was a teen mom, Domestic Violence survivor, homeless, and had children in foster care.

Today she states, "children grown. God took me from a Rock to Pastor, Prophetess, Radio Personalty, Business Owner, President of a Non-Profit, Advocate for Domestic Violence/Violence against women and children. Mentor, Motivational speaker, and College Grad."

You can contact Ms. Berry via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Shareta A. Berry


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