simplicity of dreams

by e.t. scyffore

The simplicity of dreams
Have I not seen them
Have lI not held them?
In the serene setting of night's darkness
Have I not known them?

Calamity has sinced vanished
Years of lonelyness has painted no clear picture.
The earnest desire to stare into life's beauty...
I know it exist for I once had grapped ahold.
The complexity of dreams...
Yes, the answer does lie within my inner-being.

If my arms were wings
I would take up mount and fly away
Hoping to reach the destination of my life's fulfillment
Which had been foreordained before I even existed
It is in arms reach but it is I, who must rerach out to seize it...

The simplicity of dreams.

simplicity of dreams by e.t. scyffore

© Copyright 1992. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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