If I Didn't Know Before I Know Now

by E. T. Scyffore

If I Didn't Know Before I Know Now
(that I love you)
I never knew how much I loved you
until the opportunity arose that I could lose you.
I never knew how much I needed you
until I realized the absence of your warm embrace.
In life there are many things that we take for granted
until the object of our selfishness grows Arings
and flies away: seeking refuge in the abundance
of dreams stored deep within.

I never knew how much I loved you
until I heard the strain from so much pain.
It was then, that I desired to take away
the burden of your pain:
and give you the life you so richly deserved.
Alas! My dilemma causes me to hold
my desires inward--only to be revealed
in my most private moments.
and the moment I speak of,
is the moment I realized:
how much I love you.

If I Didn't Know Before I Know Now by E. T. Scyffore

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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