I too, make a difference
In the lives of my children
When the trilogy of love is expressed with a simple, "Daddy we missed you"
Or when cheddar flavored is popped as we snuggle to a flick
And when hugs and kisses tuck them in every night
I too, make a difference
In the lives of generations, we call future
When girls hoop with fundamentals and build confidence
Or when classes of students are taught lessons you can't find in books
And when modeling a role influences a life's path to shine sun, not thunder storms
I too, make a difference
In the world
When a note from the treasury can help the homeless
Or when artistic expression transcends cultural boundaries
And when persistence and perseverance of purpose inspires all
Despite the walls of education built to eradicate my efforts
Despite the laws and injustice that imprisons with inequality and inequity
Despite the societal socio-economic separation
Despite the propaganda perpetuated to positively paint negative pictures of my people
I too, make a difference