RuKiya FAizah (RaZina)
RuKiya's Photo

RuKiya FAizah (RaZina) writes the following as her bio: Since my birth, in 1980, life has taken me down severl roads and on number of journeys. Throughout it all I've learned that all the strength I need is already instilled within, given as a blessing from the Divine. My name by birth is Re'Cole C. but my name by growth is RuKiya FAizah (RaZina). Rukiya means "She rises high," Faizah means "Victorious," and Razina means "Strong, patient one." All are elements of self that have united to form the foundation for the Black Woman that I have become and aspire to be. I have been writing poetry since I was around 11 years old and my passion for this art has elevated to depths of prominent levels. Dorothy Riley stated, "Knowledge is not power, it is only potential power that becomes real through use." It is for this reason and more that write...

You can contact Ms. Faizah via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by RuKiya FAizah (RaZina)


Black Butterfly
Concious Flow #1
Concious Flow #2
Divine Consciousness
For "G" - (I Miss U)
Love Scars
Mental, Emotional, Perceptual Revolution
Passion's Truth
Provocative Deliberations
ReCreating Love
Speaking of Togetherness for a Deeper Cause
Tears of a Nation
The Arrival
The Mystery


Justice: We Will Continue the Fight
Str8 Off the Dome...

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