
by Nane Quartay

Passion is your smile
Brown face and hungers eyes
Life will melt beneath your touch
As my heart registers surprise

What you bring forth
Can never tear asunder
Jewels of life incredible
Can't shake the feeling of wonder

My miasma of lust is your creation
Descension of first earthly delight
Vibrating skin signals elation
As I fill you with me through the night

There is no joy outside of you
Souls inside, souls alive in my color
In a dream of infinite trembling
Your lips touch my neck like no other

Rubbed raw with need
Breasts of emotional rescue
I suckled in my greed
Of your mound, I ate too.

Her name was Desire
And like the heat of ebony strings
Her touch is like fire
And lovely Passion ...

Passion is her perfect wing
Her song to sing
And life simply follows 
The echo of her eyes.

Passion by Nane Quartay

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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