The Written Name

by Oneal Walters

I'm not, 'just a name on the page.'
A name that is equal to another,
A name that has no substance
A name that has no value,
A name that is legless.
I'm not, 'just a name on the page.'

I'm more than a name on a page.
A name that shares and feeds,
A name that grows and does not destroy,
A name that stands and is not broken,
A name that is experienced and not just read.
I'm more than a name on a page.

Message: My name is not, 'just a name on a page.'
And your name should not be 'just a name on a page.'
It should stand and not be broken by a person,
by a city or by time. Your name should not be,
'just a name on a page.'

Details. Message. Harmony

The Written Name by Oneal Walters

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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