Sightless Idols

by Oneal Walters

Details. Message. Harmony

After a few jobs, after highschool,
After a few movies, after many drinks,
His environment remains without growth.
The seeds were planted, there’s no growth
The flowers are standing, no blossoms.
The soil is hardened, there’s no water.
His environment cries, it’s waterless
His seeds weep, he’s not sensitive.
I sweat in this climate’s warmness.

After a few jobs, after highschool,
After a few books, after many talks,
I watch and then order them to leave,
The backward ones who trouble my life,
But they return through my friendships,
Through our selection of chosen actions.
My environment increases with the light,
When there’s water and there’s rich soil,
When there’s growth and there’s rain.
I live in this climate with little strain.

Message: Our weakness comes from the selection
of actions. When we are sensitive to our
‘environment’ then we can make the most
beneficial choices in helping ourselves
and those who are in our ‘environments.’

Sightless Idols by Oneal Walters

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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