The Sweetest Smile

by Omavi

But not that fake Miss America smile
But that sweet smile you offered to me
As you sat so sexily with your book bag
Wondering what the day would bring

Let your eyes brilliantly shine
Like the first time we talked and laughed
We had fun
That's the way I like you to be

The sweet innocent smile
As I walked up to you as you entered the gate
And we knew that yes that would be a special day

The knowing intelligent smile
That graced your lovely face
As I covered your lips with mine
Only a first kiss
Can bring forth a smile with such a shine

So smile
The way I remember
Because your smile
Is divine

The Sweetest Smile by Omavi

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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