Better to Drink Acid

by Omavi

You expect me to chase you and run after you
Trip over broken glass and mined emotions 
Just in the pursuit of a love that may lead naught
Just for a chance in the lottery of stiff ones
The one that goes the long mile and asks for more
But what is the boon I try so hard 
The goal that I know not will bring me love
While you shop the glistening man store 
Picking and choosing which accessories 
Will look good strung around your heart
I understand love is a dangerous thing 
Its been known to soil panties and make hearts go boom
Its been known to foil risings
That it’s better known as an agent of doom
More known as the ransom where nothing promised
The gift offered never enough to be received
Unless the exact steps are followed 
Variation and compromise such a distant thing
It should be more than this
But you make it this most basic
Ridiculousexercise of attention fetching
That makes me run away from this thing

Better to Drink Acid by Omavi

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