
by Joe Okonkwo

A single wavering jazz phrase
Dipping and cresting, dipping and cresting
Carving out melody as it sways

the room with an ebony haze.
But the sax player maintains "I'm just testing
A single wavering jazz phrase

'cause I wanna see what hell it can raze
And if its worth my blues-souls's investing."
Carving out melody as it sways,

That sweet jazz note grinds out a maze
And swings the labyrinth halls before resting.
A single wavering jazz phrase.

can dance your heart to tears the way it sashays,
So beware!  'Cause inside your hearts its nesting.
Carving out melody as it sways,

A sax drawls me into a daze
And makes me realize what blue-note I'm questing:
A single wavering jazz phrase,
Carving out melody as it sways.

Speakeasy by Joe Okonkwo

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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