
by Nyahbinghi

When I met him
thought it was love
unwilling to acknowledge
my own misconception
of affection
lack of contraception
ended in 
unplanned conception

the laws of love
to satisfy the hunger for
sexual gratification
"He makes me feel good"
was my song and dance
blindly mistaken
in a fake love trance

You went out
and did your dirt
then pretended like
you cared about my hurt
"I love you girl,
you my world"
that was your song and dance
and I believed that shit!

Repeated the vows, anyway
then you had the nerve
to say
I was too independent
so I played the part
let you be the man
of the house
cause I'm a good wife

Me began to forget me
losing my precious 
disconnected from
but a portion
refused to give in
let you totally own me

Seven years 
I lived a lie
tears cried inside
watched my soul
slowly dying
retreated into myself
I was in emotional exile
hiding from the pain
feeling ashamed

Picked up the pieces
of my broken dream
discarded them
bathed my soul
in the hidden holy stream
of forgiveness
released myself from bondage

Untitled by Nyahbinghi

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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