Desolate Soul (The Irony Of Being A Strong, Single Woman)

by Nyahbinghi

another sleepless night
thoughts churning inside my head
loneliness creeps in behind me
entwines himself around my emptiness
gently spooning
as if we were lovers

we have been though...for ten years strong
I tell myself it's not that serious
but, he ain't going nowhere...
no time soon

consistent like no man
he never leaves me
embraces my flaws and imperfections
caresses the deep ache
in the hollow of my soul
languishes me with somber kisses
and whispers sweet nothingness
in my ears

i've abandoned hope
that love should find my sweet virtue
resolved to sleepless nights
thoughts churning inside my head
waiting for loneliness
to creep in behind me
entwine himself around my emptiness
gently spooning
as if we were lovers

Desolate Soul (The Irony Of Being A Strong, Single Woman) by Nyahbinghi

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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