Sam | Jeffrey |
Sam Jeffrey is the pen name of Eunice Carolyn Nkhoma. She is 26 years of age and originally from Malawi in
Southern Africa. She is the first of a family of 6 children. Currently she is on a work placement and attempting
to get research funding for an Internship with an Organisation that deals with minority people's issues.
She is a Post Graduate Student in England with Lancaster University doing a PhD Research "On the Changes
affecting the British Local Government and their impact on their housing policies on ethnic minorities and
low income people." She says she loves Politics, current affairs programmes, Geography, outdoors, sports, food and nature.
She goes on to say "I have an Australian partner who can be reliable and un reliable sometimes. When I finish my Course I plan
to migrate to the Bahamas as I love it there and work plus start a small business too."
You can contact Ms. Nkhoma via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.