Under the Pretense...

by H.L. Nichols

Trace myself under the pretense 

Pretending that we've kissed 

Or at least I've partaken of your lips 

Like bittersweet wine licked at the bottom of 

The bottle risen heat the burgeoning throttle 

The bottle that spins buttressed on ends 

By us between us 

Grasp hold of your hips cause I'm falling 

Though guided by your hips 

I've fallen and I can't 

Offertory to wayward ships that pass 

Get up in the night 

That enter your Panama Canal 

To find comfort and rest from 

Another day's journey through 

Tight like the uprising of rebel storms 

Drench me in your atomic suns wherein 

In your arms I slumber before 

The coming of the new dawn 

Presents new challenges 

And promises not far gone 

Yet right now I wish rest 

Upon fertile breasts 

Assuredly within your canal 

Into your nurturing arms 

I trace myself again under the pretense 

Pretending that we've kissed 

Under the Pretense... by H.L. Nichols

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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