Dawdled in the sea of your love,
Curiosity beckoned me near,
Childish fear,
One need beware,
Amidst the scant moonlight,
Encompassed by the curvilinear shore,
Mesmerized was I,
Who wondered what your love looked like,
Then I fell In,
Taunting your tenderness,
I Bow to the beauty of your wetness,
Insatiable is my thirst,
The approach to unrivaled attraction,
Gazing into your eyes,
I desire,
To caress the caverns of you,
Artistic tongues paint anjelic portraits,
Gentle embrace,
Bringing me closer,
Diving nearer,
In search of paradise,
So close,
I too sense the nakedness of you,
Interwoven loins singe the nocturnal shore,
Near we lay,
Encounter the thrust of the tide,
Where heavenly bodies collide,
Vibrant is the splendor,
Succumbing to sweet surrender,
Emblazened bodies shudder in the shallow surf,
Where we lay,
Cleansed spirits rejoice,
Submerged in the rhythm of love,
I too utter sensual sounds,
Proclaiming the depth of our love,
Deep enough to live in,