As Yet Untitled 26

by H.L. Nichols

Given the opportunity to make love to you
Loving you is what I'd do
I'd crave your navel and nibble on your . . . Oooh
And I'd meld to your mind like toast and butter
Speak of tongues . . . good love til we stutter
Shhhhhhh . . . don't utter another word
Words don't even matter
Ummmmm . . . If I could but imagine
The fantastic . . . touching you til morning
Comes . . . the gentle strum as we play
Damn! Imagine my dream come true
So Beautiful it is to love you

As Yet Untitled 26 by H.L. Nichols

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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