A Lost Soul

by Navasha "ShannaShay" Hinton

You tell me what you hear. 
Do you hear my back or my feet? 
Working hard providing me, 
my money shot is all you see. 
Bent over everyday breaking my back over under payed rage. 
My serial number is 64962. 
To come from nothing and still end up on the streets. 
People asking how tough is it to be. 
People ask me my name I say nothing, 
the last left falls from a tree 
people stepping on it not knowing that it's me. 
Stepping over all my joy and victory. 
But one small token is that my heart still remains. 
Fighting off wild kingdoms & peer pressure I'm my own batman. 
I got my cape I have my wings, 
I may not can fly but I can dream. 
Beat down & drugged in to caged match. 
All pressure & may screams coming from my corner if it means anything. 
Come on, help please, begging doesn't mean much if its coming from me. 
Red alret, green alert purple. 
Camera snaps, cheese. 
Got me broken down on knees. 
Underage drinking may any unseen scenes digging ditches holes my feet screams. 
I was born to fight I was built out of rage. 
Alizé & Cognac I was named after cavasia my name is Na-va-she-a. 
Many words can't explain how many times I cuddle through the rain. 
I cried so many times in church people not knowing I was going insane. 
If I wasn't to afraid of trouble I'll be dead to my name. 
You can just call me 64962 parts of my brain that just go insane. 
Listen to Spanish music dancing to the cha cha. 
I wish I spoke many different languages 
so the words can express themselves off my lips 
as I speak telling people to fuck off in German & French 
I wish I knew it now so I can feel the hurt build inside 
as I spit this lyrical rhyme. 
Coming from my mother raised up by my father 
being taught how to live through lies. 
Doing wrong was how I coped my shoes first than my imaginary 45 cablier. 
Wanting to know who this story is about. 
Well, it's about Navasha its not French or fancy 
it's something my father came up when he was doing the nasty. 
My life is off topic and my story is hell to take. 
I'm here so deal with my pain. 
All I want is to see the sunshine through the rain. 
Teddy bears & rainbows cuddles with my mother 
I didn't get that love but by the dreams I dreamt 
I knew my life would unfold through my eyes perfectly. 
Always wishing for the best always wanting the most. 
I the heat from the burning fire. 
I'll give you a toast or shot of my champagne. 
I'm not drunk but I'll go. 
My exit is my entrance and that's through another unknown door. 
Dead but I still know my rights. 
I'm computerized to memorize the trashy character of my life. 
The people I called family loved me but didn't know me. 
I wished for many things like sand castles & lean fit fashionable jeans. 
What's my life about if it means nothing to me. 
I hoped for the best and for great dreams. 
Dead and still fighting for the top. 
Sure & still misunderstood. 
Yes we can, fight for the man the memories missed 
of our brave souls rises up as spiritual souls. 
The grass is greener & the piano sings 
the other side is clean and free for you go beyond your wildest dreams. 

A Lost Soul by Navasha "ShannaShay" Hinton

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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