We Are Love

by Nailah Abdus-Salaam

We are a beautiful thing ....
You and me are a beautiful thing.
Even struggle is beautiful to rise above
When you love...
Inside love
His love...Her love
God's love...Self-love
A people's love
Then the struggle isn't so tough,
Going it alone can be rough.
Like a star whose lost its light
With love you gain renewed strength
For the struggle to fight.
So we evolve
You and me,  
And our people 
And our Ummah
Grow and Change...
There's so more beauty than woe
You just have to let the beauty thrive
And let the negativity go.
We are Love                   
Growing, flowing
Lovingly showing
We are love, Because we come from The Loving.
And that's  a beautiful thing!
As the sun's warm healing rays usher in a brand new day
I pray to Allah blessings abound every day,
In each and every way.
I leave peace prints on your heart
And that's a beautiful thing!

We Are Love by Nailah Abdus-Salaam

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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