In The Zone

by Nailah Abdus-Salaam

When you're feeling good
When your attention is in the now
When nothing and no one can keep you down.
When you live fully present in the  now moment,
When you acknowledge all the blessings that are sent.
A peaceful aliveness resides within.
When you expect good,
Look for the good, and see the good,
This is when you know you're In The Zone!
When you're giving your best
Receiving the best,
And being patient through life's test,
When you can actually visualize your next step.
This is when you know you're In The Zone!
When you have a vision,
When you feel it won't be too long
For the vision to be fulfilled
You're free to  give of love strong.
When you have that inner glow
When your heart just overflows
This is when you know
You're In the zone!

In The Zone by Nailah Abdus-Salaam

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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