Down-trotted times and everlasting tears
Generations of suffering over hundreds of years
When will it all end? Has the time really come?
Or will it be one hundred more years of repetition?
Equal employment opportunities, welfare, and the ghetto
Ways you thought would repay for the lives you stole
Both nannies and mammies watched your kids
As theirs were sold to the highest bid
>From the fruits of our labor you continue to pick
And when we are down you continue to kick
Clutching purses, falsely accusing, and peeping through blinds
Wondering why we can't get past these colored lines
Picket fences, city marches, and assassinations of great leaders
Although you tried to destroy us we remain believers
No need to be apologetic the wounds have already healed
Our day has finally come and time will be revealed
Too much, too little, and far too late
We can not look back it's already sealed by fate