Bills, Bills, Bills?

by Tracy Mckever

Can he pay what, your bills?
Sister you can't be for real
Na Na that is ill

There's more than just the rent going on
So I thought I'd write about this wrong
Putting sisters back on top where we belong

I'm placing all pigeons in the coop
Because I have no love for um like Snoop

All I can do is shake my head in disgust
Looking at the image that they're setting for us
Sisters I've had enough

Selling crotches to up stock
Where there is money chickens will surely flock
Women like this must be stopped

Riding piggy-back on someone else's 6 digit figure
There are 6 letters to describe you…N-i-g-g-e-r
The problem is big and only getting bigger

Wagging your fairy-tales
Ensuring that we won't prevail
Pan-handling brothers for money for nails

We've worked too hard for this
For you to come along and destroy it
With your materialistic foolishness

I know the women that paved the way
Are probably turning over in their graves
Abhorred with the mess that you've made

What a saddened situation
Classifying manhood by an occupation
Defaming and renaming a black woman's reputation

Looks like prostitution to me
Spreading your legs to claim your independency
Your entire life is a fallacy

You need to pay for your own bills
Be happy about paying for your own meals
Stop lying on your back and start standing on your heals
And that is the uncut no holes barred raw deal.

Bills, Bills, Bills? by Tracy Mckever

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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