A Response To An Apology From A Man To A Woman

by PoetiCCessence

I stand and marvel your beauty…so handsome and so strong
Yet inside your heart is weakened
and I can sense that something is wrong

I apologize my Nubian Prince for all your hurt and pain
for all the women that did not answer when you called out their name
And for the times you offered your heart 
Yet the responses remained the same

I apologize for the way she misused your body
Making you feel that's all you were
I know she never said it
So I am apologizing for her

I know that this is painful,
I can tell by the look in your eyes
But go ahead my dear
shed those tears, 
I know that real men must cry

for all the girls that couldn't be women
when you were only being a man
I know what it's like to love and not be loved,
this I understand
I apologize for the times she gave you her back 
when all you wanted was her hand

I apologize for the many candlelight dinners 
that were never eaten
For the way that she was tricking 
the entire time that you were treating
I wish I could understand why
I wish I knew the reason

I'm sorry that she said she loved you 
when she knew it wasn't true
I know what it feels like to be broken
my soul has been shattered too

I apologize for the times that she put you on a leash,
when you should have been put on a throne
Surrounded by the finest things that any woman could own
24-hour surveillance because men like you should not have to be alone

I apologize for all the sleepless nights you spent in misery
I stand before you here and now to offer my final plea
You did not find true love in her
But you shall find it in me

Not every woman will hurt you 
or betray your trust
I know you have been hurt many times, 
But please don't give up on us

My love for you has always been here 
and it will never die
I am here for you as long as you want me to
On my knee before my king... I DO APOLOGIZE

A Response To An Apology From A Man To A Woman by PoetiCCessence

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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