Fighting America

by Maya Robinson

America never struck me as the place for apple pie, baseball
Judy Garland and far off dreams
America hit me as a pot of collards, playing O U T out,
Spike Lee and Just Another Girl on the IRT

America was your grandmama’s best friends 
calling her by her last name
Church seven days a week
Easter speeches and
pitty pat games

But somewhere where I could least figure
A little boy called me nigger

Then, America jap slapped me with harder roads
masked the contempt under integrated commodes
America smashed my so called fate into my dark face
then rubbed in its hate 
America force feed me that my face was to hide
and just as I began to swallow my pride,

I knocked America off its feet when I realized
I am America and I’ve got nothing to hide.
I got educated for a  counter attack 
I learned my history on a look back
Then shielded by a knowledge coat
I let America have it with my vote
I packed America in a corner when I spoke its
exposed its lies and taught the children how to rise
Defending posterity became a must
And I’ll fight America until America is just

Fighting America by Maya Robinson

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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