Hell I don’t know, he bolted like a sperm donor…Before our love could grow
Where were you when I needed protection and daddy’s girl love from a father
And if you read this and thinking about a sorry ass apology…don’t bother
You weren’t around to bounce me gleefully upon your knee
I remember being embarrassed at the “father name” blank on the family tree
Many times I needed an escort to the father/ daughter dance
I’d come home and pray for God to give us one more chance
You left my mother to teach me things that were clearly your manly duty
She did the best she could, that’s why I love her… even though often I was unruly
I longed for the days or nights you would return home to us
Now that I’m older and wiser, I’m thinking… maybe your leaving was a plus
Why couldn’t you take responsibility and own up to your actions
How utterly selfish of you to disown us to chase worldly satisfactions
You will never know my pain I carry around like a disappointed caddy
Three words that will forever pierce my heart… Who’s Your Daddy?