After hurtful consideration, I conclude it was me...not him
That assisted the once blossoming relationship to fail
The union, which sometimes made us, believe in hell
I heard that you romantically and eloquently proposed
Proclaiming to all she soothes and comforts your woes
Maintaining that because of her you're a better man
and that the greatest accomplishment in your life,
was when she accepted your hand
Deeming her the "you complete me" one
Affectionately engaging in lovers strolls under the sun
Publicly displaying and bestowing affection
Sustaining and nurturing the soul mate connection
Willingly controlling your sexual appetite for her only
Ensuring that emotionally and soulfully she is never lonely
Selflessly catering to her whimsical needs and wishful wants
Beaming proudly that she is your significant other to flaunt
Delicately setting her apart from the rest
Confidently nominating her as the absolute BEST
What in the HELL happened to you and me
All of the above, to me, you could never be
Inadequacy, mediocrity and fragmented failure consume my mind
Distorted expressions, empty promiscuity and wasted time
When did my gem fade in luster and my touch become unpleasant
Break-up 101 surely did NOT prepare me for you to become My past...Her present