Between the sheets you're my burning desire
The one, for the moment extinguishing my fire
The path that leads to fleshly, temporary ecstasy
For now, I'll pretend that you're the one for me
Your body I'm manipulatively and treacherously caressing
Unconcerned about the salacious behavior blocking my blessings
You are the mental game I'm boldly defeating and bragging about
I'm too shallow to realize the score doesn't spiritually count
I'm the predator lurking immorally for my fifteen minutes of fame
The erotic and horny invisible force that will not be carnally tamed
Many surrender to me because they are spiritually and morally weak
When you want detached, defiled gratification...It's me you seek
I'll successfully invade your thoughts and imprison your mind
Subdue and distort your believing into thinking its love you'll find
My agenda is to ambush your inner spirit and natural soul
Ensuring that you will never be made eternally whole
My intentions are to convolute the meanings of love and lust
To negate respect, banish commitment and dilute trust
I have no integrity, morality nor decency for the subjects I meet
You ask, "Do I Love you?" Why of course... In between the sheets