Marie Michaelle

Marie Michaelle is a Haitian born/raised Spoken Word Artist dipped in American culture. She believes in her work and its power to move and engage people. As a Spoken word artist she writes and performs her words as a form of pure art. Delivering something that exist in every single being whether acknowledged or not, providing an inner voice that most hush with every day living.

Michaelle has been observing; performing, listening, watching and learning for a long time from the best of the best in the artistic realm both up close and virtual. Having performed at many diverse events her skill lies in knowing and engaging her audience. Her first published work Windy City: Poems of Lust & Desire will be released March 2012. Michaelle can be contacted via Facebook or email, her work and performance can be heard and viewed on you YouTtube as well.

Model and Performance Portfolios:

You can contact Ms. Michaelle via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Marie Michaelle


So Alone I Stand

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