
by JazzmineRose

This poem is in loving memory of an acquaintance 
and her son who were taken away senselessly.  

Death thrust upon by a lover
It is I you choose to dismiss
For  another. If it is not I,
Nor will it be he.  Fix this I will
Then I will flee, to cast the same
Infliction of death upon me.
My demons of rage and terror
Were scrupulously fortified --
Blinded by your desires to be,
Involved with a leper like me.
YOU, have goaded the relentless
Mai Lai I will wreak,   Perish 
In hell my soul will seep
This is the end of this road
So now we shall sleep.

Untitled by JazzmineRose

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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