The Motherland

by Malcolm Ali

                      Does Africa sing a song for me?

                           Does she mourn for me?

                           Does she know I'm gone?

                   Will she smile when she sees me again?

                   For four hundred years I've been away,

                    Will she welcome me back as her own?

                     I been 'buked and I been scorned,

                    Bought and sold for silver and gold,

                     And I've ridden the slavers at sea.

                  Will she rejoice when she sees me again?

                      Though I left as cargo of misery.

 I've weathered 'The Middle Passage' and been made to build a foreign land.

    My beautiful mind and skilled hand were forced to serve an Ivory man.

          Does my mother know that one of her children is missing?

             Does she cry and mourn, as did Israel over Joseph?

      Do my brothers mourn in my absence, and admit why it came to be?

                   A place I have never seen is my home,

                      Does Africa sing a song for me?

The Motherland by Malcolm Ali

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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