Untitled (No. 6)

by Makalani

Just as the stars need the night,
To make their radiance seem so grand-
Just as the grass needs the soil,
To break the monotonity of a barren land.
Just as the flowers need the dawn,
To be anointed fresh with dew-
Today, my love, to you I yield-
For my sou's in need of you.

Just as the summer needs the shade,
From the sweltering heat of the sun,
Just as the soldier needs hope,
Though a victory he's never won-
Just as the house needs a base,
So that it may stand erect-
Today, my love, to you I yield-
For true love doth our souls beget.

Just as the sail needs the wind,
To hurl the ship towards the shore-
Just as the child needs a reason to dream,
Although his neighborhood may be poor-
Just as the vase need a rose,
Or else its life is not fulfilled-
Today, my love, to you I submit my all,
For never has your love seemed so real.

Just as the brandy needs a glass,
So it will have place to lay-
Just as my darkness longs for light,
Amid problems that attempt to dismay-
Just as my love needs a target,
For without one, I am not complete-
Today, my love, to you I give-
My soul in its totality.

Just as man needs God
To lead him in the right direction-
Just as the baby needs milk,
And one's caring, tender affection-
Just as a person needs strength,
To journey through Life's wearisome land-
Today, my love, to you I bow,
And offer my gentle hand.

Tell me not I don't need you
As if my words have no merit-
Eros filled me with so much love,
And with you, my lady, I long to share it.
If you not feel as I do,
Take this secret to thy grave-
For much longer would the nights be without you,
I pray thee, let me be thy slave.

Happiness and joy are far between
When your warmth I cannot feel
Leave me not to face the music-
The love MUST be real...
Though our bodies are not as close
In distance, as they once used to be-
Every day that mine eyes behold anew,
I still see you there, next to me.

Just as the ocean needs water,
To conceal its outer pain-
Just as the homeless needs shelter,
A standing haven from the rain
Just as these words need a voice,
To be heard and believed as true-
Today, my love, to you I willfully surrender,
For I've fallen deeply in love with you...

Untitled (No. 6) by Makalani

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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