Role Playing

by Mad Hatter

 Shampooing my hair while we're in the shower.

 Lotioning my feet when we get out.

 Taking care of dinner when I'm working late.

 Leaving me alone when I'm sick.

 Rushing me along so we can make the most of our day.

 Calming me down so I won't make a scene.

 Explaining to creditors that we were over charged on our bill.

 Making arrangements with collectors when we're going to be late with a payment.

Walking away from an arguement before it gets out of hand.

Knowing what not to say.

Knowing whom not to introduce to me.

Opening my car door first.

 Offering me the last piece of food.

 Sending my food back when it's not fixed right.

 Holding my hand so I won't fall in my shoes.

 "Wearing the pants" I love to see you in.

Role Playing by Mad Hatter

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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