It’s unfortunate black man,
that the old lady tightened the grip on her purse
when you got on the elevator,
she had no idea you’re a teacher of 10 years.
It’s too bad man of color,
that the “poe-poe”, stopped you
because you “fit the description”,
how could he know you’re a partner
in a prominent law firm.
It’s really sad Nubian king,
the sistah crossed the street
when she saw you approaching,
she didn’t realize your unique style
is a form of artistic expression,
just look at your paintings
hanging in the downtown gallery.
And yeah it’s fucked up,
that the associate in the boutique
acted shady when you asked for assistance.
Imagine her surprise when she finds out
you’re the Regional VP for the company that owns the place.
I’m sorry my brother,
the man hurried off
when you tried to ask him for directions.
Your long locks threw him.
He didn’t know you are a dean’s list college student.
My deepest apologies to my Negro elders,
my colored men, my black brothers,
my African-American warriors, my Nubian kings.
They don’t know any better.
I’m truly sorry you are prejudged,
And wrongfully accused,
And wrongfully persecuted,
And dismissed,
And disregarded,
And misunderstood,
And misrepresented,
And under appreciated,
And so many other things I’m sure I missed.
And so many other things I’m sure I can’t begin to fathom,
Because although I too am black, I am not a black man.
Although I know your pain, I don’t know your pain.
And although I feel your pain, I can’t feel your pain.
I get the short end of the stick, but your end is shorter.
My deepest apologies to you my brothers
for all the times you got fucked with no Vaseline.
I can’t imagine what it must be like to live in your world.
Just know your sistahs,
Your queens,
Your female warriors,
Are here for you and with you ‘til the bitter end.
We’ll be whatever you need us to be, whenever you need us to be it.
Just don’t always take your frustrations out on us.
We’re not the enemy; we’re a fellow soldier.
Willing to fight the battles along side you when we can,
And help to patch up and heal your wounds when we can’t.
My deepest apologies to you men of color
for all the ugliness the world unfairly gives you.
“They” have no idea.
They don’t realize your intelligence,
Your spirit,
Your patience,
Your strength,
Your innovation,
Your creativity,
Your ingenuity,
Your warmth,
Your loyalty,
Your heritage,
Your Greatness.
My deepest apologies to you because although I do,
And we do and always have; “they” may never.
This piece was inspired by seeing all the deservant
brothers not being able to get a break
because of outward appearances and/or stereotypes.