
by Looney

Well they say no one can be me but me
That's who I am even though you call my Bitchy
You say I have an attitude and a bad mouth
I think I have a survival mind from the south
You say you want me though you don't understand
What makes me tick or what I want in a man
I've explained not to try to comprehend
Because I have been the mystery of many men
Men who want to get next to me and pick my mind
But fail because they think I'm just a dime
You know a dime a prissy female with little intellect
But I got them fooled because I am very intelligent
I don't hold my tongue when I have something to say
And I don't let someone talk down to me and simply walk away
I will confront you if I think you're wrong
I will not tolerate the slip of your tongue
I am a very bold woman and I hold my own
I love the hell out of men though don't get me wrong
I love my Black intelligent men
But don't try to out smart the woman within
Afterall I'm just being me
That's who I am even if you think I'm bitchy.

Me!! by Looney

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