If You Didn't Know

by Looney

Well if you didn't know
I'm gone tell you who I am
I'm that strong black woman
And I don't give a damn
About how you look or talk
About my style about my class
Or the twist in my walk
The way I light up a room
When I walk in the door
About people picking up their faces
And mouths droping to the floor
I always dress to impress
Mom says you never know
Who you're going to meet
On your daily stroll
I live by myself
I take care of ME
I pay my own rent
Pager, cell phone, home phone, and electricity
I don't like being broke
I know my limitations
I dress nice but I do leave
Things to the imagination
I'm not a hoochie
And I don't sleep around
I do like to party
And it's whatever--I'm down
I'm a trip to kick it with
That's why they call me Looney
And I do speak whats on my mind
But settle down atleast I'm not like "Ooh Wee"
Well if you didn't know
This is who I am
I'm Looney the strong black intelligent woman..

If You Didn't Know by Looney

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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