Then, Now, Tomorrow

by B.Optimistic

It’s a do nothing day 
a sit back relax and chill day
a play day   
a skate form work day    
a be at ease day

And……. I………..I
I can’t fight the feeling
I can’t fight the feeling
I can’t fight the feeling so I

All day cause today I don’t care
I swear this day was over before it started
discarded bombarded with laziness
tax payers called it trife
but when industry get over
when Bell Atlantic get over
when Uncle Sam get over

That’s life

Therefore I revolt
get some get back
get some get back
get some get back until I get back what’s mine 
and maybe some of what was yours

Can you dig it

I’m just maxing, chilling 
getting paid for relaxing 
Boycotting economic chorus
doing the revolution on the down low
A Huey Newton Nat Turner move
Because the struggle continues
until we can order everything on the menu

And not be broke
And not be stressed
And not be stressed

And not be stressed by bill collectors
And not be threaten by creditors
And not be in debt but have others in debt to us
Then we could be the man, really be the man
the Steve Austin six million dollar man and not fake in it
perpetrating the man for a minute.
Benz note but no house note cause we rent
credit cards maxed out and no investments. 

No stocks No bonds
but we got fly gears and cars
No 401k’s 
yet we sip Hennessy and Courvessier 
But in the Y2K 
its time for a jump start.

Anybody got a stock tip 
cause the script been flipped

No more boycotting Denny’s for a top-down make over
cause the next time they don’t want to take orders
we can hit’em with a hostile take over
Then Eddie Bauer he’ll figgah
him and Tommy Hillfigger
we ain’t ya  nigger

and deflated stock hits bigger than a lawsuit
yeah that’s my pursuit 
with more bucks than a 21 gun salute
and more tricks than a prostitute
done cleaner than Reverend Ike in a three piece Sunday suit.  

And when we get to that state of mind 
we can be the man
really be the man
the Steve Austin six million dollar man and not fake in it
Benz note, mortgage and madd investments 
credit cards paid off and no harassment’s

and not be broke
and not be stressed
and not be stressed
and not be stressed by creditors cause they’ll be in debt to us

and not be used
and not be abused
and not be refu…………..a yo I gotta go I’m at work

(E-mail - press send) 

Then, Now, Tomorrow by B.Optimistic

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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