Moments of Infatuation

by B.Optimistic

On my mind like a child
I'm occupied by  your thoughts
all the time

It's odd
It's unusual
yet it's beautiful

For in age we become immune
to the sensation of infatuation
harden to the joys of spontaneous jubilation
afraid of new and untamed admiration's
skeptical of the possibilities of future sensations.

So we lie.
Deny ourselves the opportunity to grow
deny our hearts the opportunity to know
true love void of ambiguous connotation
true passion strong as the crave of starvation

Thus I ache
hunger pains for your taste
growing pains caused by stretching of patience to wait
for you to become mine
although you are an extension of me
you belong to another 
this menage et to  is  cumbersome.

Moments of Infatuation by B.Optimistic

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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