20 Minute Workout

by B.Optimistic

If working out was like sex
would you do it
I mean would you get into it
until it hurts
or would you worry about being over exerted

If working out was like sex
would you be addicted to it
or would you hate and resent it

If working out was like sex
would you climax
or would you give up on your last set
would you go all the way
or would you stop at foreplay
would you think about it all day
or would you dread having to do it today

If working out was like sex
would you want more
or stop when your muscles get sore
would you continue through a cramp
or jump at the first opportunity to break camp

If working out was like sex
how many days a week would you go
would you do it if it rained or snowed
or would months go by before your next show

If working out was like sex
would you master form and technique
or would you half step and cheat
would you have concentration and devotion
or would you be preoccupied, faking,
just going through the motions 

If working out was like sex
would all your goals be met
would you work up a sweat
would you cry about being wet
would you do an extra set
could you keep from having it

If working out was like sex
……….how many years would you have been doing it???

20 Minute Workout by B.Optimistic

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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