Who Can Hear The Cries

by Anointed Voice

Who hears the cries of the hurting, the one longing to be heard,
because their hearts are tattered by the reoccurring of an abusive word,
as people call them absurd because they walk around with their heads down,
feelings of loneliness because life have them lost instead of found,
while politically incorrect people say, no need to be upset society says,
but the hurting is looking for a way to begin again from the pass mistakes
or sudden tragedies that came their way, 
not understanding the mysteries their minds portray,
as their cries patiently wait for a yielded vessel 
to hear the cries behind their smiles, laughter upon their pain, 
but people continually treat them with so much disdain,
is there a way to find healing for a broken soul,
is there someone who will listen enough to mend a staggered heart,
and depart from the ways of one sided visions,
so we can stop the flow of suicides and genocides,
a worldwide infection like insects to pesticides 
to cause an universal expression of one's gifts,
men, women and children of all ages need to know someone cares,
but are we too self-consumed with our own selfish desires, 
that we choose not to inspire,
and won't take a little time to hear the cries of the hurting,
allowing an intellect of "it's all about me" 
to go out the door and explore more opportunities
to lend an ear of strength and be able to pull someone 
to see their length of opportunities and self-worth in this drifted world, 
can we instill in them their potential and essential vital purpose in this world, 
we may have less initialing of violence and more participating 
in the construction of a new generation to reach their potential 
and cause an initial groundbreaking of a brighter tomorrow 
to end the sorrows of the secrets of their past, 
so don't ostracize those with psychological disabilities, 
living in homeless shelters, those who are shy, 
or who everyone denies, not thinking that if it wasn't for grace, 
we are just one emergency away from the same situation, 
because we tend to talk about what we don't understand, 
instead of tapping into where someone's been, 
we need to expand our thinking and live the life 
that's reaching for those who just need a hand to lift the up 
from where they feel they belong, scattered and scorned, 
thinking government is our aid and parade around 
like we're the only one on this earth going through, 
so allow what's broken to begin to heal in someone else's ordeal, 
and believe that there has to be a way for a turn of events 
in an arbitrary evacuation of another anonymous situation, 
learning that creation still exists inside 
so smile enough to make a day even when you need to pray, 
this will cause a reaction that will form an attraction of change, 
and begin to see a difference from your inner core, 
so the cries of the hurting can be no more.

Who Can Hear The Cries by Anointed Voice

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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