...And the Last Shall Be First

by Divine Expression

For every time you’ve cried
And you thought it couldn’t get any worse…
Hold you head up,
Remember what God said,
“…The last shall be first”.

For all of those heartaches…
Pain so strong,
You thought your heart would burst…
God will wipe every tear and whisper,
“…The last shall be first”.

I know you have weak places,
And things the enemy tried to curse…
Don’t forget that my blood has redeemed you.
I told you,
“…The last shall be first”.

Your past is spotty,
And shaped in a lot of pain.
You’ve been through a lot,
But you’ve survived through the power of my name.

I have everything you need,
You don’t have to continue to thirst…
I’ve raised you up, anointed you 
and made you successful.
Didn’t I tell you that,
“…The last shall be first”?

...And the Last Shall Be First by Divine Expression

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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